coming out for pride 5k

It’s a sad but true fact that our LGBT+ community face disparities in positive outcomes around mental health compared with our heterosexual peers.
This year we’re asking our community, friends, families, and allies to Come Out and join us in raising funds for subsidised LGBT counselling programmes through the Gay Project and LINC, for those who need it.
Walk, Run, or Cycle at your own pace, in your own place, and Come On Out For Pride on Saturday 24th July! Register today for your Cork Pride Festival ‘Coming Out for Pride’ 5k pack.
- €10 p/p donation and with T-Shirt.
- €15 p/p donation with T-Shirt and drawstring pride goodie bag.
Add your results to MyRunResults.Com virtual results portal from 23rd to 25th July.
WIN : Upload a photo on the day in your Coming Out For Pride t-shirt, tag us @corkpride #ComingOutForPride, for you chance to win one of 5 exclusive Pride Packages.
Coming Out for Pride is run by Cork Pride in association with Frontrunners Cork and Sporting Pride Ireland.